Hydrabio Brume

All skin types

Precisely dosed refreshing water which soothes and enhances the comfort of the most sensitive skin types.

Refreshing effect: 95% .*
Family friendly

Detailed description


For all the family (except premature infants)


  • Relieves the sensation of burning, itching
  • Instantly refreshes
  • Very good tolerance - Non-comedogenic - Unfragranced
    See sources

    All BIODERMA products are formulated according to the ecobiology principles, which is at the heart of NAOS approach to respect the skin ecosystem and preserve its health lastingly.

    Thanks to a perfect balance of mineral salts and trace elements, Hydrabio Brume totally respects the skin's biological and physiological characteristics, making it the ideal ally for sensitive and dehydrated skin to combat various reactive signs (dermatological procedure, razor burn, sunburn etc.) and feelings of discomfort.
    Its unique composition with the D.A.F.™ (Dermatological Advanced Formulation) patented natural complex that helps increase the epidermis' tolerance threshold in the event of external stress.
    Soothing active ingredients (mannitol, zinc) quickly and durably relieve the skin. The skin is soothed, comfortable and radiant.

    Bioderma Hydrabio Ecobiology Visual


    Spray as often as necessary.

    • Step 1 Spray on the skin
    • Step 2 The skin can be left to dry naturally after spraying.

    Do not apply to damaged or oozing skin. Warning. Pressurised container: may burst if heated. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking. Do not pierce or burn, even after use. Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F. Keep out of reach of children. Store the container in a well-ventilated area. Do not inhale intentionally. In case of accident or discomfort, consult a doctor immediately (show him the packaging, if possible).

    Eco-design of our products: We work daily on the improvement of our products to minimise their environmental impact. Most of our products are made of 100% recyclable plastic. All our outerboxes are 100% recyclable and made of paper from sustainably managed forests. Sorting instructions: Please refer to local sorting instructions to recycle your product the most properly

    Each day the skin of face loses water and this daily water loss concerns all men and women from all countries, whatever their age or type of skin. Skin is a smart and dynamic ecosystem in permanent interaction with its environment. In normal conditions, the skin could be rehydrated naturally but some external factors such as pollution, UV rays, tobacco, alcohol, fatigue, stress and climate change increase skin dehydration by altering this natural mechanisms. The skin is no more able to generate properly its natural hydration and dehydrates. The epidermis might break down, form micro-wrinkles and tighten. Consequently, the complexion loses its natural colour and becomes dull.

    Tested under dermatological control

    Confortable skin: 70%*
    Soothed skin: 75%*

    Refreshing effect: 95%*

    See sources

    Lastingly hydration: 75% *

    See sources
    Bioderma Hydrabio Brume Uji Klinis Visual
    See the list of ingredients
    Bioderma Hydrabio Komposisi Visual